Name: Samuel Thomas Thomas Migliore Junior
DOB: 1-17-82
Screen Name: McSkunky117 (on aol instant messenger)
Place Of Birth: somers point
Favorite TV Show: Flyers Games, The State, SNL
Favorite Food: cheeseburgers corn, and Italian foods!
Favorite Animal: Jon
Favorite Radio Station: 102.7 and 610 WIP (AM)
Prefer Bath or Shower: Shower
Prounounce water as wood-er or wah-ter: wood-er
Longest your hair has ever been: down near the middle of my ears
Shortest your hair has ever been: a number 1 on them head shaving things
Been to East Jibet: i don't travel much
You taller than your dad: just about same height
You taller than your mom: of course
Have you ever swallowed something that would go off in a metal detector: do metal detectors go off in metal detectors?
Did you ever go the wrong way: once upon a time....about a couple of minutes ago......
Do you always have a clue what you are talking about: yeah, i am a know it all
Ever have police tell you that you are disturbing the peace: too many personal count is up to 5. (2 with g4)
Met anyone famous: yeah, i try
Met anyone not famous: yeah, i always like meeting new people
Ever been to the moon: i played golf there once
Mario or Luigi: mario, he's got it all together and knows what's up
What's the coolest word you know: pusillanimous (hey beth, one of our first vocab words wit artesi)
Strangest thing you ever did: how about i name the non-strange things i ever did?
Have you ever saved someone's life: yeah, many different ways
What's your fav. color: Black (it gets no credit)
Would you ever color your hair that color: already did
Weirdest type of animal you have ever eaten: who knows, i eat stuff i don't even know what i eat sometimes
Are you a toys'r'us kid: yeah, don't tell kaybee though! they wouldn't like that
